
Christmas-Tree-West-Sussex-PhotographyGood Afternoon Folks

I just wanted to wish all the readers of my blog a very merry Christmas and thank you so much for popping here to have a read of what I have been up to this year. I hope you are all planning some time off to spend with family and friends.

This is the time of year to eat, drink and be merry!

Have a wonderful time and

It’s Christmaaaaaaaaasssssss… in the great words of Slade!!!
If anyone is reading from abroad they were a band in the 1970’s that produced
amongst other things quite an iconic Christmas song, so love it or hate it, it is here to stay.
I am posting a lovely wintry scene to get you all in a festive mood and I think that is the only snow I will be seeing over the festive period.

Claire )

If you would like to see more of my work pop along to my website Woodland Hill Photography
